Category Archives: Poll

Sleep In Saturdays?

By Candace

According to a poll conducted at the IBSH Elementary School in the fall of 2014, kids don’t like waking up early on Saturdays (on average). Guess what — they don’t like waking up late either!

Here are the facts:  Most kids wake up on 8:00 to 9:00 at a 50% out of 40 IBSH Elementary kids. 22.5 kids wake up from 6:00 to 7:00, and 17.5 from 10:00 to 11:00. 5% of kids wake up on 12:00 and also 5% for other times.


Desired Pets

By Lori

According to a poll conducted at IBSH elementary school by the Lemur staff in the fall of 2014, students from grade 1-6 were asked what kind of pet they would want to  have and the results were that 18% of the students chose cats, 40% chose dogs, 22% chose hamsters, 6% chose fish, 4% chose birds, 6% chose rabbits, and finally, 2% chose nothing.


Traveling Students: How Many Schools Have IBSH Students Attended?

By Jasper

According to a poll conducted at the IBSH Elementary School by the Lemur staff in fall of 2014, 26% of the students asked have went to 1 school throughout their elementary. 30% of the students have went to 2 schools, 34% of the students have went to 3 different schools, with 8% going to 4 different schools throughout their elementary. Only 2% of the people interviewed had went to 6 different schools
